Sunday, September 21, 2008


We should all be joyful of the Love of GOD and of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST since He made a plan, a way for us to have eternal life, and that way is through Him. He wipes away our tears. Halleluiah! We must die since we have sinned unless we ask for THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to be our Lord and Savior, we stay in darkness instead of the light with Him. Some people think that just by living a good life, we can get to Heaven and/or GOD; but that is NOT the Truth. The Truth is that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is The Way, The Truth and The Life; and No One comes to The Father except through Him. So be joyful there is a way because there didn't always used to be. Be Joyful there is Hope, THE LORD GOD's Hope, that we get to live eternally instead of temporally and start living for that Life today instead of just for this one.

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